
Unbound – Finding Freedom from Unrealistic Expectations of Motherhood

Unbound gives hope and encouragement to all women whose picture of motherhood is strained by disillusionment, otherness, and even despair.

Women do not talk enough about the reality of motherhood: the struggle it takes to get there, the loneliness of it, the unmet expectations. We are often too ashamed to share our difficult stories. We quietly absorb the posts of sonograms and happily messy houses on Facebook as we inwardly wonder what’s the matter with us. We struggle to meet the everyday needs and the special needs of our kids, caught by surprise that this is what motherhood looks like.

With honesty and vulnerability, Jamie Sumner walks readers through each stage of her own journey to motherhood through infertility and special needs parenting. She pairs her story with those of women in the Bible, offering readers comfort, hope, and companionship rooted in biblical truths.

Unbound shows you that joy is found as we set down our well-laid plans for His better and more beautiful one—no matter how different it may look from what we first imagined.