The Rev. Elizabeth Felicetti is an Episcopal priest and the rector of St. David’s Episcopal Church in Richmond, Virginia ( In addition to writing weekly sermons, Elizabeth writes essays and book reviews that have been published in The Atlantic, The Christian Century, Faith & Leadership, Kirkus Reviews, The Little Patuxent Review, Modern Loss and numerous others, and she has twice been nominated for a Pushcart. Her book Unexpected Abundance: The Fruitful Lives of Women Without Children is forthcoming from Eerdmans in 2023 and Irreverent Prayers: How to Talk to God When You’re Seriously Sick, co-authored with the Rev. Samantha Vincent-Alexander, also from Eerdmans, will publish in summer 2024. Her poetry has appeared in print and online journals, including Barren Magazine and Waterways, as well as the print anthology Lingering in the Margins (2019). Five of her essays are included in the sixth and ninth volumes of Westminster John Knox’s preaching commentary Connections, and one of her prayers appears in Prayers and Blessings for Healthcare Workers from Church Publishing.
Elizabeth earned a Master of Fine Arts in Writing from Spalding University in Louisville, Kentucky where she studied creative nonfiction and poetry, completed a book-length memoir, lectured on epilogues, and wrote a critical essay examining culturally different depictions of death and mourning in eight memoirs. She also holds a Master of Divinity from Virginia Theological Seminary (graduating cum laude with honors thesis), where she loved studying Old Testament and Biblical Hebrew and spent part of one summer in Sudan teaching Hebrew to Episcopal priests.
When not actively serving St. David’s or writing, she loves birding and playing the ukulele.