Sam Metcalf is president of Church Resource Ministries (CRM), a mission organization committed to serving and extending the Church worldwide. Deeply committed to the vision God has entrusted to CRM, Sam has served as president since 1985. His passion to develop leaders so that movements of new expressions of the Church are started infuses his stewardship of CRM around the world. He holds... learn more

Alicia Michelle, ACC, CPLC is an ICF-certified Christian life coach and NeuroCoach, traditionally-published author (Emotional Confidence, Fall 2024, Baker Books), popular conference speaker, and multi-award-winning podcast host of the top-ranked podcast and YouTube Channel The Christian Mindset Coach with Alicia Michelle. Through her coaching and courses Alicia has equipped thousands of women with practical brain-and-biblically-based tools to better manage emotions and to break... learn more

Cheryl Miller owns Quantum Circles Consulting and Training. She provides training economic development for the marginalized, facilitated dialogue, and restorative justice. She is also a volunteer mediator for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Victim Offender Mediation Dialogue (VOMD) program, with thousands of hours of mediation experience with victims of violent crimes and their offenders. Cheryl ran a housing program for eighteen years... learn more

Arianna Molloy (Ph.D., University of Denver, CO) is an Associate Professor of Organizational Communication in the Division of Communication at Biola University, CA. Arianna’s research focuses on meaningful work, work as a calling, and the connection between humility and burnout in the workplace. She is an award-winning scholar, published in premier journals such as the International Journal of Business Communication, Communication Studies, Journal... learn more

Dr. Camden Morgante is a licensed clinical psychologist and college professor. She maintains a private therapy practice specializing in women’s issues, relationships, trauma, and spirituality. She has published numerous articles on sexuality, marriage and gender roles, and won the Christians for Biblical Equality writing contest for her article, “5 Myths of Purity Culture”. She is a regular contributor to CBE’s blog and magazine,... learn more

Gilbert Morris can well be described as the grandfather of Christian Historical Fiction. He wrote and published more than 200 novels for youth and adults that have sold nearly 7 million copies worldwide. He’s best known for the 40-volume “House of Winslow” saga. Before becoming the standard by which most historical novelists are measured, he was a pastor, then an English professor of History.... learn more

Wade Mullen is a researcher, assistant professor, writer, and speaker whose work aims to help those in abusive situations: any who know the confusion and captivity and are in search of understanding and freedom. His content brings affirmation and enlightenment and is backed by the credibility of thorough research and careful analysis. Wade is known for his care for those who are suffering... learn more

Greg Munck is a combat-promoted Marine who served his country in the Gulf War. He went on to become the Asia Pacific Regional Manager for Q-Logic corporation before transitioning into full-time ministry. Greg is currently the lead pastor and co-founder of Crossline Community Church in Laguna Hills, California, and travels speaking for The Guide Soldier Foundation, which serves active and veteran military personnel... learn more

David Murrow is director of Church for Men, an organization dedicated to restoring a healthy, life-giving masculine spirit in Christian congregations. He is the author of Why Men Hate Going to Church (Thomas Nelson Publishers). The book has been firmly planted in the top 1 percent at since its release in March 2005. His book has been reviewed in newspapers such as... learn more

Bill Myers is a best-selling author and award-winning filmmaker whose books and videos have sold over 8 million copies. His work has won over 60 national and international awards, including the C.S. Lewis Honor Award. His children’s DVD and book series, McGee and Me, has sold 4.5 million copies, has won 40 Gold and Platinum awards, and has been aired on ABC as... learn more