Linda S. Clare has always been a daydreamer, artist, and storyteller. She received her first paid byline for a poem published in the Denver Post newspaper when she was a high school student. She’s been writing professionally since 1993 and has taught fiction, memoir, and essay writing for Lane Community College for more than a dozen years. In addition to her published books, award-winning short stories, articles, and essays, she works as an expert writing advisor for George Fox University and is a frequent presenter at writer’s conferences.
Her alter ego, “Miss Writerly Crankypants”, has loads of fun and laughs, mostly at Cranky Cat’s expense, in weekly blog rants that are chock-full of fat cats and CRANKYTUDE! In addition to doting on grandbabies, collecting too many cats, gardening and walking on the beach, she loves to write and to help writers develop their skills. She lives in Oregon with her and all those wayward cats.